Dry Needling

The needles are similar to acupuncture, but the process is very different. Dry needling focuses on trigger points in the muscle to decrease pain and tension, while acupuncture relieves pain or discomfort by normalizing energy flow superficially.

What to expect:

During your session, Dr. Jazz, our physical therapist, will insert a thin, sterile needle into the skin to target your trigger point. The number of needles is based on the area and the number of notable trigger points. The length of the needle will also depend on the area of your body that is being treated.

There is a low risk of infection. Side effects are usually minor; however, can include the following:

Bruising at the dry needling site
Muscle soreness

Dry needling can be used with most teens with parental consent and adults with musculoskeletal issues. However, there are some patients who should not have dry needling, including:

Patients with certain bleeding disorders
Pregnant women during their first trimester

TMJ Therapy

Do you ever find it hard to eat or yawn because of pain? Do you suffer from headaches, neck pain, ringing, or ear stuffiness? Do you experience painful clicking or locking in your jaws? Did you know there was therapy for jaw pain?

TMD (Temporomandibular joint dysfunction) is the most common diagnosis left untreated by professionals and those painful in regards to seeking therapy. Since the start of the pandemic, there has been an increase in jaw pain due to prolonged mask wear. The history of braces has also been proven to be another link to jaw pain. Don’t let it get you down. Dr. Jazz specializes in jaw treatments. She holds a true passion for decreasing jaw pain. With a history of braces and TMD issues in the past herself, she understands the frustration. Everyone deserves to be able to enjoy the luxuries of food without pain.

What can cause jaw pain?

Aside from a trauma to the jaw, repetitive grinding, also known as bruxism, and clenching during sleep are also common causes of TMD. People who do this are often not aware unless discovered by a dentist by a family member who hears it.
Habitual gum chewing and nail biting are also linked to jaw pain due to the repetitive stress on the jaw.

** Dentist Referral Needed **